A somewhat curated list of links to various topics in application security.


LinkExcerptWord Count
andev-software/graphql-ideDownload the latest 0.2.x version, this will give you an option to export any project for 1.x. After you've installed 1.x you can import the project there. You can always go back to 0.x, your project data is stored at /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/graphql-ide116
Facebook GraphQL CSRFThere was a “CSRF” styled query in that can allow GraphQL calls to be made. The discovery of the bug in View the Assigned Roles and Emails of an Instagram Account started at with an authorization screen.841
GraphQL - Security Overview and Testing TipsWith the increasing popularity of GraphQL technology we are summarizing some documentation and tips about common security mistakes. GraphQL is a data query language developed by Facebook and publicly released in 2015. It is an alternative to REST API.900
doyensec/inqlWelcome to InQL v5.0, a major update for our open-source GraphQL testing tool. This version provides new and improved features aimed at enhancing your GraphQL testing capabilities, making it more efficient and effective. We appreciate your trust in InQL. Happy testing!1030
br3akp0int/GQLParserA repository for Graph Query Extension for Burp Suite You will need the below to get started: -The latest version of Burp(Tested for Burp 1.7.37 and above) -A Jython standalone Jar file (jython-standalone-
swisskyrepo/GraphQLmapGraphQLmap is a scripting engine to interact with a graphql endpoint for pentesting purposes. You can also contribute with a 🍻 IRL or using Github Sponsoring button.838
GraphQL introspection leads to sensitive data disclosure.Hello World! I’m Eshan Singh, aka R0X4R. I’m that hacker teenager that your friends told you about. I hack web-server to make the system secure. I’m here to share my recent findings on GraphQL Introspection. All of us know that Facebook uses its own query language to store its data properly.454
GraphQL IDOR leads to information disclosureHello World!, I’m Eshan Singh aka R0X4R. I’m here to share my recent findings on GraphQL IDOR (Insecure Direct Object Reference), which leads to information disclosure. So, let’s start. I’m signing in… What is GraphQL?536
Oh snap! We don't support this version of your browser, and neither should you!You are visiting this page because we detected an unsupported browser. Your browser does not support security features that we require. We highly recommend that you update your browser. If you believe you have arrived here in error, please contact us. Be sure to include your browser version.48
Exploiting GraphQLGraphQL is a language for APIs that enables you to query and manipulate data through a flexible syntax. GraphQL based services have blown up over the last few years in popularity. From a hackers perspective, what should we be focusing on?1112
gsmith257-cyber/GraphCrawlerGraph Crawler is the most powerful automated testing toolkit for any GraphQL endpoint. NEW: Can search for endpoints for you using Escape Technology's powerful Graphinder tool.370