A somewhat curated list of links to various topics in application security.


LinkExcerptWord Count
google/fuzzingThis project aims at hosting tutorials, examples, discussions, research proposals, and other resources related to fuzzing. External contributions are welcome, please see CONTRIBUTING file for more info.90
0xPugal/One-Linersdirsearch -l urls.txt -e conf,config,bak,backup,swp,old,db,sql,asp,aspx,aspx~,asp~,py,py~,rb,rb~,php,php~,bak,bkp,cache,cgi,conf,csv,html,inc,jar,js,json,jsp,jsp~,lock,log,rar,old,sql,sql.gz,,sql.tar.gz,sql~,swp,swp~,tar,tar.bz2,tar.72
raminfp/fuzzer-development-with-rustBasic CorpusGeneral CorpusSeed CorpusTargeted CorpusHybrid CorpusGenerative CorpusIn Memory CorpusDisk Based Corpus Arithmetic MutateBitmask MutationGen rand MutationGen Rand Mutation ByteMutated Seed FilesToken Mutation Log fuzzing eventsLog test casesPanic CrashSysinfoTrack statisticsUse profiling88
NucleiFuzzer - Powerful Automation Tool For Detecting XSS, SQLi, SSRF, Open-Redirect, Etc.. Vulnerabilities In Web ApplicationsNucleiFuzzer is an automation tool that combines ParamSpider and Nuclei to enhance web application security testing. It uses ParamSpider to identify potential entry points and Nuclei's templates to scan for vulnerabilities.227